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Laurie Anderson, United States Part 1-4, 1983. Performance, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), New York. Photo: John B. Cavanagh © Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson, United States Part 1-4, 1983. Performance, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), New York. Photo: John B. Cavanagh © Laurie Anderson

Stockholm: Laurie Anderson

01.04.2023 - 03.09.2023
Moderna Museet Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. Main entrance: Exercisplan 4.
Laurie Anderson is a legendary figure in American avant-garde art, experimental music and independent culture. In this exhibition, Laurie Anderson explores the potential for presenting a narrative in the museum space. Here, earlier works meet new productions, in a reflection on time and being, silence and clamour.

Since her breakthrough in the mid-1970s, with performance and video works, Laurie Anderson (born 1947) has risen to prominence also as a writer, composer, and filmmaker. Listening, language and storytelling are essential elements in her interdisciplinary practice, which spans from philosophical and personal contemplations to activist interventions on burning political issues– including unexpected world hit ”O Superman” (1981) referencing the Iran hostage crisis, and the multimedia installation ”Habeas Corpus” (2015) on Guantánamo. Underpinning her practice is a drive to explore new forms of expression and media. This is Laurie Anderson’s most comprehensive European solo show to date.

Eingetragen am: Montag, 23.01.2023

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