© Kati Heck, Selbst mit Vogel / Self with Bird, 2019, private collection, Belgium. Courtesy Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp.
Den Haag: Kati Heck
06.06.2020 - 08.11.2020
Kunstmuseum Den Haag Stadhouderslaan 41 2517 HV Den Haag
German-born Antwerp-based artist Kati Heck (b. 1979) is regarded as one of the heirs of German expressionism. Her work recalls the bars, dancers and actors depicted by Otto Dix and George Grosz, and is also reminiscent of the Old Masters. With humour and a sense of absurdity she dissects the world around her, recreating it as a universe entirely of her own making. Any search for a clear narrative in her paintings, sculpture and films will be in vain. Heck provides no certainty, leaving everything up to our imaginations.
Eingetragen am: Freitag, 20.12.2019
Letzte Änderung: Freitag, 12.06.2020
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