Katharina Grosse, Study for Apollo, Apollo, 2021 © Katharina Grosse and VG Bild, Bonn, Germany 2022. Photo: Daniela Görgens
Venezia: Katharina Grosse. Apollo, Apollo.
23.04.2022 - 27.11.2022
Espace Louis Vuitton Venezia Calle Ridotto 1353 30124 Venezia - Italy
Created specifically for Espace Louis Vuitton Venezia, Katharina Grosse’s installation Apollo, Apollo features a composite image of the artist’s hands printed on a metallic mesh fabric draped across the floor and wall. Depicting a moment where boundaries—between the artist’s body and the flowing material, with its transparent, opaque, and reflective surfaces—blur, the work opens a gateway to a dreamlike world in which visitors question their own perceptions of reality and illusion. Produced within the framework of Fondation Louis Vuitton’s Hors-les-murs program, the exhibition is a collateral event of the 59th Biennale di Venezia.
Eingetragen am: Donnerstag, 14.04.2022